Friday, December 4, 2009

Fireworks Aren’t That Big of a Deal

I really like the section in Perfecting Women about fireworks on page 96 because it has some ideas that I think are really outrageous. For example, it is considered sinful to set off a firework because it is waste of money. But when you pay for fireworks, you are paying for the show, so I disagree that it is a waste of money. Another reason is that you could burn yourself or set your house on fire, which is a good reason, obviously. The third reason is that fireworks have writing on them and anything with writing on it deserves respect. Since I don’t personally believe this, this reason was a little out-there for me, but I can see how another culture might believe this.

1 comment:

  1. I felt like all the things he touched on were never a big deal in the first place, which didn't ruin the book for me even with the redundant remarks on sinful behaviors. I actually laughed through the book while finding it extremely interesting at the same time. Half debating whether this is really freeing women or just anther form of imprisonment, though I think Thanawi really sought to equal treatment for the female sex. Thanks Thanawi!
    I think Metcalf said in her introduction that a great many new brides kept this book close when entering marriage. I wonder if they ever followed through all his instructions.
